Six of Pentacles
Upright Keywords
Generosity, giving, receiving, charity, fairness, sharing, prosperity
Reversed Keywords
Greed, imbalance, inequality, unfairness, withholding, lack of generosity, financial difficulties

Table of content
- Six of Pentacles General Tarot Card Description
- Six of Pentacles Upright General Meaning
Upright Love Meaning
Upright Career Meaning
Upright Health Meaning
Upright Yes/No Meaning - Six of Pentacles Reversed General Meaning
Reversed Love Meaning
Reversed Career Meaning
Reversed Health Meaning
Reversed Yes/No Meaning - Six of Pentacles Tarot Cheat Sheet Card
Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
The Six of Pentacles depicts a mysterious figure dressed in regal attire, standing between two beggars. In one hand, the figure holds a scale, symbolizing the balance of giving and receiving. With a gracious demeanor, they bestow coins upon the less fortunate, signifying generosity and charity. This card reveals a time of sharing wealth and resources, both material and spiritual. It speaks of acts of kindness, philanthropy, and the understanding that abundance is meant to be shared.
The Six of Pentacles urges you to embrace the power of giving and receiving, recognizing that through your generosity, you not only uplift others but also invite blessings into your own life. It signifies a harmonious exchange of energy and resources, where everyone benefits. Embrace the spirit of abundance and extend a helping hand to those in need. Trust that the universe will reward your compassionate acts with even greater blessings.
Six of Pentacles Upright General Meaning
In general readings, the Six of Pentacles signifies a period of generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your life. It suggests that you have an abundance of resources, whether they are material, emotional, or intellectual, and you are willing to share them with others. This card represents acts of kindness, charity, and the importance of finding harmony in your relationships.
The Six of Pentacles invites you to embrace a balanced approach to giving and receiving, recognizing the value of both. It may indicate that you have the ability to support others or that help is available to you when needed. This card also reminds you to be mindful of maintaining boundaries and not depleting yourself by giving too much. Overall, the Six of Pentacles signifies a time where generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your interactions with others bring harmony and fulfillment.
Six of Pentacles Upright Tarot Meaning: Love
IIn matters of love, the Six of Pentacles signifies a period of generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your relationship. It suggests that you and your partner are willing to give and receive love, support, and resources in a harmonious way. This card represents acts of kindness, sharing responsibilities, and the importance of mutual support.
The Six of Pentacles invites you to embrace a balanced approach to your relationship, where both partners contribute and receive in equal measure. It may indicate that you have the capacity to be there for each other, both emotionally and materially. This card also reminds you to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries and not becoming overly dependent on one another. Overall, the Six of Pentacles signifies a time where generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your relationship foster love, harmony, and mutual growth.
Six of Pentacles Upright Tarot Meaning: Career
In the realm of career and work, the Six of Pentacles signifies a period of generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your professional life. It suggests that you have the opportunity to share your expertise, resources, or mentorship with others, or you may receive support and assistance from others in your field. This card represents acts of kindness, collaboration, and the importance of maintaining balance in your work relationships.
The Six of Pentacles invites you to embrace a cooperative approach, where both giving and receiving are valued. It may indicate that you have the capacity to make a positive impact in your workplace by sharing your skills or helping others succeed. This card also reminds you to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries and not taking on too much responsibility. Overall, the Six of Pentacles signifies a time where generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your career contribute to success and fulfillment.
Six of Pentacles Upright Tarot Meaning: Health
In terms of health and well-being, the Six of Pentacles signifies a period of generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your self-care practices. It suggests that you have the ability to care for your own well-being and support others on their healing journey as well. This card represents acts of kindness, compassion, and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to your health.
The Six of Pentacles invites you to give and receive support, seek help when needed, and share your knowledge and experiences with others. It may indicate that you have the capacity to make a positive impact on the well-being of others or that help and assistance are available to you. This card also reminds you to be mindful of maintaining boundaries and not neglecting your own needs while caring for others. Overall, the Six of Pentacles signifies a time where generosity, sharing, and finding balance in your health practices lead to overall well-being and fulfillment.
Six of Pentacles Upright Yes/No Meaning
In upright, the Six of Pentacles suggests a “Yes” answer. It symbolizes generosity, giving, and receiving support. It indicates a positive outcome through sharing resources or receiving help from others.
Six of Pentacles Reversed General Meaning
When the Six of Pentacles appears in reverse, it suggests an imbalance in the exchange of resources, a lack of generosity, or a refusal to share wealth and abundance. This card signifies that you may be struggling with issues of greed, selfishness, or an unwillingness to give back to others. It advises you to reassess your relationship with money and material possessions, as well as your attitude towards generosity and charity.
The reversed Six of Pentacles warns against hoarding wealth or neglecting the needs of others, as it can lead to a sense of isolation and disharmony. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of compassion, generosity, and fair distribution of resources. By finding a balance between giving and receiving, you can experience greater fulfillment and create positive connections with those around you.
Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Love
In matters of love, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests an imbalance in giving and receiving, a lack of generosity, or a selfish attitude in your relationship. This card indicates that you may be focusing too much on your own needs or withholding support and care from your partner. It advises you to reassess your attitude towards generosity, fairness, and reciprocity.
The reversed Six of Pentacles warns against being overly selfish or neglecting the emotional needs of your partner, as it can create disharmony and resentment. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of giving, sharing, and open-heartedness. By practicing kindness, empathy, and actively meeting each other’s needs, you can foster a more balanced and fulfilling partnership.
Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Career
In the realm of career and work, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests an imbalance in the distribution of resources, a lack of fairness, or a reluctance to share opportunities or rewards. This card indicates that you may be experiencing a situation where your efforts and contributions are undervalued or not reciprocated. It advises you to reassess your relationship with money, power dynamics, and the fair distribution of resources in your workplace.
The reversed Six of Pentacles warns against being overly selfish, withholding support, or neglecting the needs of your colleagues or subordinates, as it can create a toxic and unproductive work environment. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of fairness, generosity, and collaboration. By fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere, you can create positive professional relationships and enhance overall productivity.
Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning: Health
When it comes to health matters, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests an imbalance in the care and support you receive or a reluctance to seek help when needed. This card indicates that you may be neglecting your physical or mental well-being, failing to address health concerns, or denying yourself the assistance and resources necessary for recovery. It advises you to reassess your attitude towards self-care, the importance of seeking medical advice, and the support available to you.
The reversed Six of Pentacles warns against being overly self-reliant or refusing help from others, as it can hinder your healing journey. It encourages you to cultivate a spirit of openness, vulnerability, and acceptance of assistance. By embracing a balanced approach to self-care and actively seeking the support you need, you can experience improved health and well-being.
Six of Pentacles Reversed Yes/No Meaning
In reverse, the Six of Pentacles suggests a “No” answer. It signifies inequality, imbalance, or feeling taken advantage of. It advises reassessing boundaries, being cautious with financial transactions, or considering the motivations of others.
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